2023 BUILDER Summit January 24-26 San Antonio, TX

2023 BUILDER Summit January 24-26 San Antonio, TX

DIGON Systems is pleased to host the 2021 BUILDER Summit on January 24 – 26 at the historic Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. This is the fifth annual Summit, and we are particularly excited to bring our community together in one room again!  Every year, we look...
BUILDER Integration with NNSA

BUILDER Integration with NNSA

NNSA integrates multiple CMMSs with SPIRE. To lower the overall cost and ease of sustainment of NNSA’s BUILDER database, a solution was needed to expedite integrations with multiple CMMS applications across nine NNSA remote sites. The Task Do Something Unprecedented...
Enterprise Sustainment Management System

Enterprise Sustainment Management System

The Enterprise Sustainment Management System (ESMS) Platform is the newest Sustainment Management System product designed to serve the needs of all of the traditional real property domains served by SMS tools in addition to several more, all on a single platform....


DIGON Systems has been involved with ROOFER for over ten years and has worked with the City of Fort Collins (our hometown) on a roof assessment project. It has been several years since the last updates from ROOFER, and it left us wondering if BUILDER does not provide...
2021 BUILDER Summit July 27-29 San Antonio, TX

2021 BUILDER Summit July 27-29 San Antonio, TX

DIGON Systems is pleased to host the 2021 BUILDER Summit on July 27 – 29 at the Hilton Palacio Del Rio in San Antonio, Texas. This is the fifth annual Summit, and we are particularly excited to bring our community together in one room again!  Every year, we look...