Field Assessment Solutions
FLOW™ is a tablet-based field assessment application integrated with BUILDER and built with the assessor in mind.
Our FLOW software toolset is designed to allow BUILDER users to operate more efficiently. With the increasing use of BUILDER worldwide, it is more important than ever to integrate solutions that elevate productivity.

Faster Syncs
Upload photos & data rapidly by only syncing the data changed—a fundamental upgrade in keeping sync times low
Dynamic Age-Based Comments
Fully customize and automatically generate inventory comments per the Army Guide
Activity Log Metrics
Provides device activity of completed Systems, recent Syncs, & Sections modified/created/deleted
Pin & Copy Sections
Lookup frequently occurring Sections during inspections and duplicate any to populate your tablet inventory rapidly
Inspection Comment Generator
Select from a list of the 23 distresses in a dropdown menu and increase your productivity
Effective Navigation Sidebar
View Building down to Section in one glance and locate what you need in one tap
Flexible Building Lists
Customize your building list into “Projects” that can even span Sites as needed
Seamless Resync
Managers review details in the Sync Log that show who synced and when, and if/when data has been pushed to BUILDER
Field Assessment Efficiency
Increases the walk-rate of the assessor in the field, allowing more square footage to be covered in less time.
- Faster Syncs: Upload photos and data rapidly by only syncing the data changed. Photos can be instantly added to the database—no need for a separate camera or complicated photo-linking procedures.
- Inspection Comment Generator (w/ Distresses) Select distresses from a dropdown list and increase your productivity.
- Inspection Completion Tracking: Effortlessly determine which Section inspections have been completed and which ones are remaining.
- Component Shortcut Feature: Cursory view of all Components within their Systems and instantly drill down to your desired Section.
- Quick & Easy Navigation Sidebar: View Building down to Section in one glance. Touch screen icons and buttons are optimized to be easy for any user—no need to re-train BUILDER users.
- Comments Added with Talk/Type feature: Mobile friendly Bluetooth voice-text and barcode scanning options.

Data Quality
Ensures accurate, consistent data and reduces errors in several ways.
- Seamless Sync/Resync for Managers Review: Detailed sync logs to show who synced and when, and if/when data has been pushed to BUILDER.
- Automated Quality Checks: The FLOW application will warn you of potential data quality issues as you collect the information.
- Customizable Age-Based Comments: Automatically generate inventory comments per the Army Guide.
- Custom-programmed quality checks specific to your project or contract.
- Internal and private, to ensure top-quality data before uploading to BUILDER.
- Includes a framework for integration with your existing Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
Field Assessment Efficiency
Provides a consistent, logical process that is designed for real-world field work.
- Flexible Groupings of Buildings into “Projects”: Customize your building list into Projects that can even span Sites as needed.
- Activity Log Metrics: Provides activity on your device of completed Systems, recent syncs, and Sections modified/created/deleted. While assessors are in the field, team leaders can choose to approve assessment data or reject with comments.
- Pin Sections for Easy Recall: Lookup frequently occurring Sections that occur during inspections.
- Copy Sections: Streamline and rapidly populate your inventory.
- No BRED Files: No worries about failed uploads, version changes, or data corruption using API calls.
- Android tablets and phones (Android/Apple Ready: Works on any device, Tablet, or Mobile)
- Perceptive App Layout: Intuitive to experienced and rookie assessors alike and designed the way field assessors actually work.

Please contact us to schedule a demonstration and request pricing information.
DIGON’S software suite is accomplished by combining over ten years of BUILDER experience, user experience, and skillful developers— united into a hub of progressive resources to navigate BUILDER pitfalls.