Just Announced! July 31-August 2, 2024

The Federal Facilities Council has set new dates for the 2024 DC SMS Summit!

The 2024 Sustainment Management System (SMS) Summit is an event providing updates on SMS software development efforts, application usage and implementation across federal facilities, and on-going and upcoming research in SMS work. Sessions consists of updates and demonstrations detailing Enterprise SMS (ESMS) software development, engineering development for various infrastructure domains, in addition to panel discussions and breakout presentations for federal facilities personnel and industry practitioners to share best practices for SMS implementation and integration in facility asset management.

Note: The Friday sessions will be morning-only to allow return travel in the afternoon.

As in past CERL-hosted BUILDER Summits, are partnering with the National Academy of Sciences – Federal Facilities Council to host the event in Washington, DC at the NAS Building.


July 31- August 2, 2024

National Academy of Sciences Building
2101 Constitution Ave NW
Washington DC 20418


NAS Auditorium

For additional information or to get your specific Summit questions answered, contact the DIGON team.